YOU NEED to SAVE MONEY!!! YOU also NEED to LIVE! BE ENTERTAINED. Here are a few GOOD IDEAS for you to have A Lot of FUN without spending much. You're in NEW YORK, The Greatest City on Earth. Look Around! Check out the Architecture. It's ther for the Taking. "It's FREE!!!" Some of the World's Greatest Buildings; The Empire State Building, The CHRYSLER BUIlDING (it's the COOLEST BUILDING in the WORLD), The FLATIRON BUILDING, and countless Brownstone, Granite, and Limestone Homes.
Walk around, "Look Around" people watch.
Go to a Pizzeria for a Good Inexpensive bite to eat. Pizza Box on Bleecker Street in the Village is Great. They have some of the best Pizza around, with a beautiful hidden garden where you can sit, relax, and Enjoy that Pizza.
You can walk a block west of Pizza Box to the newly renovated park, Father Demo Square and have some Sweets that you brought from home (to Save Money and not buy something out), maybe Yodels, Twinkies or some Cookies.
So, you have a hole Fun day out and spend just $10 or less, walking around checking out the Great Architecture, People Watching, Eating Pizza, and snacking on Swets in the Park watching the "Street Performers." Wht's better than that?
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